New Mexico’s Most Haunted: Exposed

Cody Polston's new book is out. It is a good read if you are serious about ghost hunting. For decades ghostly tales have been told across the land of enchantment. New Mexico's macabre past has created its share of phantoms. From by-gone gunfighters and wealthy socialites to murdered prostitutes and children, their tragic lives have … Read moreNew Mexico’s Most Haunted: Exposed

Old Town Albuquerque map further debunks the ghost story of Scarlett

Rumors and folklore claim that the Covered Wagon shop, formerly known as the Manual Springer house, was once used as a speakeasy and brothel during prohibition. Additionally, the building is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a prostitute named Scarlett. According to the legend, Scarlett and another unnamed prostitute got into an argument … Read moreOld Town Albuquerque map further debunks the ghost story of Scarlett

Wool Warehouse Theater Investigation Report

   During performances a man in a cream-colored double breasted suit has been known to have appeared on the stage. The spirit seems to be pleasant and is known to happily watch the productions from the side of the stage. However, the stairs behind the stage that leads to the basement are thought to hold … Read moreWool Warehouse Theater Investigation Report

Sightings in Peripheral Vision; Credible or Not?

How many times have we heard stories that begin with "Then out of the corner of my eye I saw"? Or, "I saw movement out of the corner of my eye"? Are these "Sightings" credible? To answer this question, we must first examine what peripheral vision really is. Unlike some insects with multiple eyes, humans … Read moreSightings in Peripheral Vision; Credible or Not?

Have you ever heard of Elliott O’Donnell?

Elliott O'Donnell (February 27, 1872 – May 8, 1965) was an author known primarily for his books about ghosts. He claimed to have seen a ghost, described as an elemental figure covered with spots, when he was five years old. He also claimed to have been strangled by a mysterious phantom in Dublin. As he … Read moreHave you ever heard of Elliott O’Donnell?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Perhaps not. Here is the other side of the coin.

The following is from an article written by Winston Wu in 2011. The article, "Debunking Pseudo-skeptical Arguments of Paranormal Debunkers", makes several rational arguments for many statements made by Pseudoskeptics. This one covers the blanket statement, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". This is one of the core mantras of hard nosed skeptics, and is usually presented like … Read moreExtraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Perhaps not. Here is the other side of the coin.

Infrared thermometers, why they do not detect cold spots, Ghost Hunter FAIL!

Cody discusses Infrared thermometers, why they do not detect cold spots. The use of this instrument in ghost hunting is so flawed that it can actually be used as a gauge to determine how experienced a ghost hunting team really is.    

Why EMF meters are worthless for paranormal investigations / research

In this video, Cody explains the flaws of using EMF meters in ghost hunting and paranormal investigations. They simply do not do what paranormal investigators think they do because of a lack of understanding on how to properly measure EM.

What is a veridical hallucination?

The term veridical hallucination is indebted to the Latin adjective veridicus, which means truthful or speaking the truth. It has two broad sets of connotations. In the first place, it is used as a synonym for the terms *true hallucination, * genuine hallucination, and * hallucination proper. In this reading, all four terms are used … Read moreWhat is a veridical hallucination?

Quantitative investigation of a reported haunting using several investigation techniques

’Quantitative investigation of a reported haunting using several investigation techniques.’, Journal of the American Society M. C. Maher, & G. P. Hansen Some researchers believe that many of the experiences reported in allegedly haunted locations have a psychological explanation. For example, it has been argued that the witnesses involved in alleged hauntings may have had … Read moreQuantitative investigation of a reported haunting using several investigation techniques

Psychology and Ghost Hunting (Commentary)

Some researchers believe that many of the experiences reported in allegedly haunted locations have a psychological explanation. Work assessing this psychological approach has involved examining the suggestibility and paranormal belief of people who tend to report unusual experiences in allegedly haunted locations.

SGHA, 30th Anniversary, Ghost Hunt of Osorezan (1989)

When SGHA was formed in 1985, its membership was soon composed primarily of members of the U.S. Armed Forces. This gave us an unique opportunity to investigate many locations outside of the continental United States. This video originally aired on our podcast Ecto Radio where Cody and other members of SGHA talked about a ghost … Read moreSGHA, 30th Anniversary, Ghost Hunt of Osorezan (1989)

Ghost photos, Digital Image Ballistics / Forensics

This tutorial covers techniques for image analysis that are helpful in determining whether or not a photo has been edited / tampered in any way. Analysis of EXIF files and image quantization tables are covered. Both techniques will also work for images manipulated with “ghost photo” apps.

Investigation of the Palace Hotel, Cripple Creek, CO

SGHA investigates the paranormal claims of ghosts at the Palace Hotel in Cripple Creek, Colorado. Is Miss Kitty really haunting this historic hotel in Cripple Creek? This video was created from footage of our investigation of the hotel in 2001.

The mystery of the Plaza Hotel is solved! Ghost shown to have natural explainations.

The ghost of the Plaza hotel starts out as two unusual (but explainable) incidents that occur to two women in room 316 and room 310.  As time passes myth building begins to distort the accounts and the focus of the “haunting” becomes centered on Room 310. With the introduction of paranormal reality TV shows in … Read moreThe mystery of the Plaza Hotel is solved! Ghost shown to have natural explainations.