The creation of a famous ghost story, T.J. Wright, Room 18 and the St. James Hotel

One of the most famous ghost stories in New Mexico is the ghost of Room 18 at the St. James Hotel in Cimarron. According to the story a man named T.J. Wright wins the hotel in a poker game and is shot after he leaves the poker room. He crawls back to his room and … Read moreThe creation of a famous ghost story, T.J. Wright, Room 18 and the St. James Hotel

Investigation of the Palace Hotel, Cripple Creek, CO

SGHA investigates the paranormal claims of ghosts at the Palace Hotel in Cripple Creek, Colorado. Is Miss Kitty really haunting this historic hotel in Cripple Creek? This video was created from footage of our investigation of the hotel in 2001.

The mystery of the Plaza Hotel is solved! Ghost shown to have natural explainations.

The ghost of the Plaza hotel starts out as two unusual (but explainable) incidents that occur to two women in room 316 and room 310.  As time passes myth building begins to distort the accounts and the focus of the “haunting” becomes centered on Room 310. With the introduction of paranormal reality TV shows in … Read moreThe mystery of the Plaza Hotel is solved! Ghost shown to have natural explainations.

New Mexico State Penitentiary report

SGHA has conducted eight investigations of Old Main from 2002 to 2010.  Here is the updated and condensed report from everything that we have done there.

Ghost hunt, investigation of the Red Garter Bed and Bakery, Williams , AZ

The building that houses the Red Garter has been standing for more than a century serving as a saloon, a bordello, a rooming house, a general store, and more. Is it haunted by a ghost named Eva? To view our report, click the link below.

Ghost hunt and investigation of the KiMo Theater, Albuquerque, NM

This historic theater in Albuquerque is believed to be haunted by several ghosts. The first is a little boy named Bobby who was killed when the hot water heater exploded. The second is a female apparition, seen roaming the halls wearing a bonnet. Nothing more is known of this ghostly presence, but seemingly she doesn't’t … Read moreGhost hunt and investigation of the KiMo Theater, Albuquerque, NM

La Fonda Hotel, Investigation Report

An old tradition claims that in Spanish times Santa Fe had a single hotel, La Fonda ("The Inn"), at the same location as the present-day La Fonda. However, no documents have been found to confirm that. Local historian Marian Meyer has reported that an American couple, William and Mary Donoho, operated the place from 1833 … Read moreLa Fonda Hotel, Investigation Report

Manual Springer House, Albuquerque, NM (The ghost of Scarlet)

This old house, now the Covered Wagon shop, is rumored to be a former brothel. where a prostitute named Scarlet was murdered. According to legend, her ghost haunts the building but is this a haunting or simply a myth? Using critical thinking and historical research, SGHA debunks the ghost. To view our report, click the … Read moreManual Springer House, Albuquerque, NM (The ghost of Scarlet)

Ghost hunt, investigation of the Crystal Palace Saloon, Tombstone, AZ

Late at night the sounds of footsteps and voices can be heard throughout the building. Some claim that the ghost of Big Nose Kate haunts the saloon as it was one of her favorite places in life. Other apparitions include unidentified cowboys, who have been seen at the bar and walking about various parts of … Read moreGhost hunt, investigation of the Crystal Palace Saloon, Tombstone, AZ

Ghost hunt/ investigation of the Monte Vista Hotel, Flagstaff , AZ

This hotel certainly has a variety of ghosts, all stubbornly refusing to check out.  You can also have a great time listening to live music in the haunted cocktail lounge which is the only place to see actual "spirits". When the "haunted" history turns out to be inaccurate, what is left? To view our report, … Read moreGhost hunt/ investigation of the Monte Vista Hotel, Flagstaff , AZ

Ghost hunt, investigation of the Nellie Cashman’s Restaurant , Tombstone, AZ

Employees and patrons at this quaint restaurant have reported the presence of spirits dating back from the frontier days. The playful ghosts are blamed for moving objects and making crashing sounds.The people who own the restaurant do not believe that it is Nellie Cashman, the building's former owner. However, whoever haunts the building is very … Read moreGhost hunt, investigation of the Nellie Cashman’s Restaurant , Tombstone, AZ

Ghost hunt and investigation of the Wool warehouse Theater, Albuquerque, NM

According to the stories, an unidentified ghost of a man in a black suit haunts the backstage area and a certain table in this historic building. Built in 1929, the building lies in the old railroad district of Albuquerque. To view our report, click the link below.  

Ghost Hunt of Colfax, New Mexico

The Weeping Lady of Colfax is the apparition of a woman who appears in the back row of the combination church and schoolhouse here. Her spirit still grieves for her young son, who died of an unknown illness in the late 1800's. Inconsolable grief killed the mother within a few months of her son's death. Reported phenomena include sounds … Read moreGhost Hunt of Colfax, New Mexico