94 Rock Ghost Hunt, Big Nose Kate’s Saloon, Part 1

In 2009, Cody finally talked 94 Rock into leaving New Mexico and going to Tombstone, AZ. This is the first installment from Big nose Kate’s saloon. [cpm-player skin=”bar-skin” width=”100%” playlist=”true” type=”video”] [cpm-item file=”https://www.codypolston.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Big-Nose-Kates-Part-1.mp4″]Big-Nose-Kates-Part-1[/cpm-item] [/cpm-player]

94 Rock Ghost Hunt, O.K. Corral

In 2009, Cody finally talked 94 Rock into leaving New Mexico and going to Tombstone, AZ. This is the installment from the O.K. Corral. [cpm-player skin=”ball-skin” width=”100%” playlist=”true” type=”video”] [cpm-item file=”https://www.codypolston.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/94-Rock-OK-Corral-2009.mp4″]94-Rock-OK-Corral-2009[/cpm-item] [/cpm-player]

My appearance on “Dead Famous”, the Billy the Kid episode

Gail Porter and Chris Fleming comb New Mexico, searching for the spirit of the wild west outlaw Billy the Kid. They visit the courthouse where he shot his way out of jail. they then hook up with Bob and myself in a historic building across town. [cpm-player skin=”ball-skin” width=”100%” playlist=”true” type=”video”] [cpm-item file=”https://www.codypolston.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Dead-Famous-Paranormal-Series-S03E03-Billy-The-Kid.mp4″]Dead Famous – … Read moreMy appearance on “Dead Famous”, the Billy the Kid episode