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However some of the content that used to be in our site is also listed in our founder’s website so have a look.
However some of the content that used to be in our site is also listed in our founder’s website so have a look.
The Southwest Ghost Hunter’s Association (SGHA) was created by five people. Two were very skeptical; two were hardcore believers and somewhere in between was me. The idea of this group was to utilize these different viewpoints, skeptic and believer, to investigate haunted places from a perspective that could lead to an unbiased conclusion. The believers … Read moreHow do you investigate a haunting? (Slides from Presentation)
I have always been interested in the older ghost investigations as they provide an interesting insight, especially when compared to ghost investigations in the modern era. This account is from the book ” HISTORIC GHOSTS AND GHOST HUNTERS BY H. ADDINGTON BRUCE (MOFFAT, YARD & COMPANY, 1908) It is comparatively easy, when seated before a … Read moreThe Ghost seen by Lord Brougham
Today I thought that I would share the slides that I used to show when presenting the history of ghost hunting. It covers the beginning and eventual pitfalls that were formed as the field (parapsychology) was overtaken by the hobby.
Over the years I have been to the St. James Hotel at least two dozen times investigating the paranormal claims there. These are photos taken during one such trip back in 2004.Old friends, old memories and we still didn’t find anything paranormal. Along with these pictures was a primitive script. It appears that we were … Read morePhotos taken in 2004 at the St. James Hotel